TriMerge Credit Report
Reimagining The Way Lenders Use Trimerge Credit Reports
Informative Research is a technology platform company that retrieves, merges and presents consumer credit data, allowing lenders to make the right decision quickly
Automation Enablement
Further your automation strategy using the power of IR's platform to ensure your system can make the best decision
Easy to
We conveniently organize the data to help lenders assemble a full borrower profile within seconds
Get all the details you need: payment history, credit limits, current account status, and more
Avoid losing business with our precise credit reporting process that we’ve spent years refining
Lender Approved
As a trusted credit provider partner to the GSE’s, we’re in full compliance with GSE guidelines so you get a complete and accurate picture
Crucial Security
The data is strictly protected through best-in-class security guidelines, ensuring the consumer identity and the lender brand are preserved
Flexible Ordering
Order through your proprietary system, LOS system or via our Web Credit System