SSN Verification

SSN Verification

Prevent Fraud with Absolute Verification

Get your borrower’s information verified instantly from 3 different sources with IR’s SSN+. Reduce your risk of identity fraud by immediately matching your borrower’s information directly with government records.


Verify your borrower’s social security number in less than 1 hour


We verify directly from the SSA, U.S. Department of the Treasury OFAC list, and credit bureau data

Easy to

Report shows you a clear “yes” or “no” as to whether your borrower’s information is correct


Submit a standard consent form with the borrower’s signature via your LOS or our Web Credit System

Meet Requirements

Meet all investor requirements by verifying a borrower’s social security number with 3 different verification sources

Convenient Delivery

Once complete, we send you an email with the link to access your order quickly and securely in PDF format

Processed in the USA

All of our data and orders are processed in-house by our teams in California and Texas


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